section (E1)

Revision as of 13:34, 23 April 2023 by Egonw (talk | contribs) (Updated Schema text: Extended)
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ensectiona piece of text in a larger text, see Q18edit
PREFIX wd:  <>
PREFIX wdt: <>

# SELECT ?section WHERE { ?section wdt:P1 wd:Q18 . }

START = @<Section>

<Section> {
  wdt:P1 [ wd:Q18 ] ; # instance of
  wdt:P4 . * ; # part of
  wdt:P11 @<Section> * ; # cites
  p:P3 @<Statement> * # has the statement

<Statement> {
  pq:P1 . ? ; # instance of
  pq:P5 @<Confidence> ? ; # confidence
  pq:P8 xsd:integer ? ; # series ordinal
  pq:P9 @<SpacialScope> ? # spacial scope

<Confidence> {
  wdt:P1 [ wd:Q1 ] # instance of 'confidence'

<SpacialScope> {
  wdt:P1 [ wd:Q32 ] ; # instance of 'ecosystem'
  wdt:P2 IRI ? # same as